Media Coverage of a Mystic in 2022

The Indian guru Bhagwan - also later known as Osho - has been one of the most widely known mystics of our time. After his death in January 1990, suddenly his media coverage seems to rise again. An investigation in numbers…

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Decency in Tech

Pull Requests kicked around and asked apart, questions flinged at a presenter after the “thank you” slide, that judgmental moment of silence after an ill-placed question. Does decency have a place in tech? A question I asked myself 3 years ago, and finally some answers.

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The Art of Approach

A post hyperfocussing only on the element of approach, it’s impact and implications. Which role does approach play in day-to-day lifes? What significance does it have, and what difference does it make?

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Martial Art Knowledge: Tai Chi

Getting by Tai Chi knowledge is not so easy. Most teachers (of the far east) are stingy with their knowledge. But it is a dying martial art, so the knowledge is slowly forgotten. And not everybody has such amount of time to learn. So let me share the best learning resources I know.

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Love & Romance

Slowly slipping into my thirties I’m talking more to people about marriage and dating. What is there to say about the underlying issue of love and romance, when time runs out and it’s time to mingle?

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life  love  romance